The Balance of Time

Artist Unknown -If you know who did this picture this please let me know so that I may give them credit

Artist Unknown -If you know who did this picture this please let me know so that I may give them credit

In the darkness of the night I find inspiration.
In the stillness of the dark, I find adventure.
In the quiet of the night I hear a symphony.
With the hustle and the bustle of the day
I miss the beauty that’s only revealed by darkness.
Does it exist within the daylight?
I do not care to find out.
I would miss the night.
The day has its own beauty.
The night has its own beauty.
This is called balance.
Let each exist in its own time.

Sinister Paths

My life, a series of twisted paths
Scattered with vines of thorn
Tripping me at every turn.
Taking a new direction
only to end up where I began.

Dark menacing clouds of despair
Hope losing its grip
Wanting to lay down
Succumb to the beast within
One final desperate glance.

A new path revealed
More sinister than before
Nothing to lose
Take that first step
It will all be over soon.

The path is dark
Nothing is familiar
Everything is new
Yet hope renews its grip
Fights the beast within

A tiny light begins to shine
A frightened walk
Becomes a hopeful run
What is this light
Pulling me forward?

The path unfolded
The clouds dispersed
Revealing the truth
There stood a man
Who was the light.

He takes my hand
We walk together
Darkness lifted
Hope renewed
The beast defeated.

The vows are spoken
A new life begins
Paths before us
Eager to travel
Hand in hand
A journey begins.

You were my light at the end of a very dark and unfamiliar path.  You were my guide to hope. You are my hero that helped to defeat the beast known as depression and despair.
Happy Anniversary my love, I am so very eager to travel many new and wondrous paths with you for the rest of our lives.



Temperance is what I ask for
Patience is what I need

How can I help one who is not willing to help themselves
How can I understand if there is no explanation
How can I give my love
If it is not taken
How can I guide
If I have no followers
How can I see if there is no light
How can I listen
If there is no sound

I can not work miracles
Though I may try
I can not be perfect
Though you may want me to be

I am human
I make mistakes
I feel
I hurt
I love

I am an imperfect person
In an imperfect world
Please don’t ask me to be perfect

Because I will disappoint us both.

-Imperfection – By Momma Tess ©2009

(I am Syster Synn, but I am more widely known in other circles as Momma Tess. Please feel free to share my poem, but please keep me as the author)

Do We Ever


How does one recover from an aching spirit?
When so much is given.
So little is acknowledged
You give from the spirit.

All that you ask is not to have that piece of your spirit trampled upon.
How much of ourselves can we give away and still remain intact?
I fear the day I become cold and calloused.
It is not who I am.

How long before I have no more left to give?

Is the spirit infinite
Does it ever cease to exist?
Can it all be chiseled away slowly, piece by piece?
Does it grow back?
How does one recover from an aching spirit?
Do we ever?

Do We Ever – Momma Tess ©2011

(I am Syster Synn, but I am more widely known in other circles as Momma Tess. Please feel free to share my poem, but please keep me as the author)

My Windows


My windows are clouded,
My windows are stained,
My windows are shrouded,
My windows are chained.

Peering out my windows, unable to see.
My windows are withholding that view from me.
Wiping and swiping, trying to clear the view,
My windows keep me from peering at you.

Sitting and pondering the dilemma at hand,
Why won’t my windows let me see on demand.
I hear a small voice, it says, “Back up a pace”.
There was the answer staring me in the face.
Eyes are windows to the soul, my dear.
You must step away to see it all clear.

My eyes are not clouded,
My eyes are not stained,
My eyes are not shrouded,
My eyes are not chained.

I took a step back and could clearly see,
The only thing blocking my view, was me.
My Windows- Momma Tess © June 2005

(I am Syster Synn, but I am more widely known in other circles as Momma Tess. Please feel free to share my poem, but please keep me as the author)